Simplify business with a Business Owners Policy (BOP)


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What is a Business Owners Policy?

企业所有者pp王者电子官网(BOP)包含两种基本的pp王者电子官网:一般责任pp王者电子官网和财产pp王者电子官网. 这个负担得起的pp王者电子官网方案可以保护您免受商业活动中意想不到的风险. 这是一个不错的选择,为中小型企业,如 hair salons, florists, landlords, photographers and more.

It's good to know that:

  • 防喷器可以轻松定制,以满足您业务的独特需求.

  • Equipment breakdown, loss of income, 包括金钱和证券保护等,不收取额外费用.

  • 根据您所拥有的企业类型,State Farm®的企业主pp王者电子官网价格合理, the value of your property, you as the owner and other factors.

What does a Business Owners Policy cover?

企业主pp王者电子官网旨在保护您免受各种风险的侵害. The coverages typically included in a BOP are:

  • General Liability: 这可以保护您免受昂贵的索赔和诉讼,因为客户在您的业务中受伤-如果您损坏了其他人的财产.

  • Property Insurance: 如果你拥有的建筑物或其他构筑物受损或毁坏,你会得到pp王者电子官网. 它还保护您的办公设备,商业设备和库存免受承保损失.

  • Loss of Income: In the event your business is shut down (for up to 12 months), 这种pp王者电子官网保护你的收入,并为你支付日常工资费用提供帮助.

  • Equipment Breakdown: 当您投保的设备发生故障或因投保索赔而损坏时, we’ll help pay to get things back up and running.

  • Professional Liability: 不幸的是,你可能会因为提供给客户的服务而被起诉. For specific occupations, 这种pp王者电子官网范围可以用来防止昂贵的索赔和诉讼.

Consider adding additional coverages

No two businesses are the same. Depending on the type of business you own, the number of employees you have, and other factors, 典型的企业主政策所涵盖的内容可能还不够. 这就是为什么我们提供广泛的覆盖范围选择,可以定制适合您的需求.

Some of the most popular options include:

Commercial auto

Commercial auto 包括轿车、卡车、货车和其他用于商业的车辆. 如果你有多辆车,和当地的代理商谈谈可用的选择.

Employers’ non-owned and hired car

If your business uses hired, leased or loaned vehicles on a short-term basis, or if employees use their vehicles for your business, you may want to consider employers’ non-owned and hired car coverages. 和当地的代理人谈谈你所在州的pp王者电子官网选择.

Workers' compensation

Workers’ compensation 帮助保护您的船员免受工伤或疾病. Requirements for workers’ comp vary by state.

Commercial liability umbrella policy

Commercial liability umbrella policy (CLUP)当您的责任损失超过保单限额时,为您提供额外的保障措施.

Tips for buying business owners insurance

企业主pp王者电子官网旨在保护您免受各种风险的侵害. The coverages typically included in a BOP are:

  • Assess your risks. 想想什么样的事故、自然灾害或诉讼可能会损害你的业务. What business property do you own (for example, inventory, equipment or buildings) that could be at risk?

  • Work with an agent. State Farm agents are business owners too. They understand the unique needs of small business owners.

  • Re-evaluate every year. As your business grows, so do your potential risks. 与你当地的代理商联系,确保你有合适的pp王者电子官网范围.

See the 300+ professions we insure.

Do I really need business owners insurance?

Well, 你知道平均一次人身伤害或财产损失索赔可能会使你的企业损失数万美元吗, or more? Could you afford to pay these costs out of pocket? What about fires, extreme weather events, theft and other mishaps, 如果你没有适当的pp王者电子官网,这也会让你破产?

Like a good neighbor, your local agent 能帮你制定一个计划,以符合你预算的价格满足你的需求吗.

We’re in the business of helping your small business

Since 1935, State Farm has been helping small business owners manage risk, plan for the future and protect what they’ve built.

Agent know-how

State Farm agents are small business owners too. 他们了解经营企业需要什么,并随时准备帮助你走向成功.


Customizable insurance

州立pp王者电子官网公司提供多种pp王者电子官网选择,您可以根据您的独特业务需求进行定制. You can choose the right coverage at the right price for you.


Personalized service


Talk to a local State Farm agent

这只是对现有商业pp王者电子官网种类的pp王者电子官网范围的一般说明,并不是合同的说明. Details of coverage, limits, 或者服务可能不适用于所有业务,在某些州有所不同. All coverages are subject to the terms, provisions, exclusions, and conditions in the policy itself and in any endorsements. 联系州立农场代理获取更多信息和定制报价.

State Farm(包括State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company及其子公司和附属公司)不负责, and does not endorse or approve, either implicitly or explicitly, 从本页超链接的任何第三方网站的内容. State Farm has no discretion to alter, update, or control the content on the hyperlinked, third party site. Access to third party sites is at the user's own risk, 仅供参考之用,并不是征求购买或出售可能在该等第三方网站上引用的任何产品.

人寿pp王者电子官网和年金由州立农场人寿pp王者电子官网公司发行. (Not Licensed in MA, NY, 州农场人寿和意外pp王者电子官网公司(在纽约和威斯康辛州有执照)总部, Bloomington, Illinois.

  • State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company
  • State Farm Indemnity Company
  • Bloomington, IL
  • State Farm County Mutual Insurance Company of Texas
  • Richardson, TX
  • State Farm Fire and Casualty Company
  • State Farm General Insurance Company
  • Bloomington, IL
  • State Farm Fire and Casualty Company
  • Tallahassee, FL
  • State Farm Lloyds
  • Richardson, TX
  • State Farm人寿pp王者电子官网公司(未在MA, NY或WI获得许可)
  • State Farm人寿及意外pp王者电子官网公司(在纽约州及威州持牌)
  • Bloomington, IL